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side dish

barley frumenty

Barley Frumenty

Frumenty is kind of a wheat pottage made from boiled wheat with the addition of eggs, broth or milk. My version substitutes wheat for barley, so this is a barley frumenty.

Lately I have been coking medieval dishes and I had wanted to try to make frumenty for quite some time. As we were having a beef steak, a good beer and kale and orange salad, this seemed fitting.

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Smashed chaos potatoes

Smashed chaos potatoes

This is one of my brother-in-law’s recipes and it is yummy. Smashed chaos potatoes is somewhere between a potato mash and boiled potato with herbs. It is perfect for the days where you still want to enjoy the amazing summer potato, but have had them boiled all week and want something else.

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