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Small medieval meat pies

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For the medieval marked reenactment event that we were a part of this weekend, I was asked to make some lunch for the group. I knew were were about eight adults and a gaggle of children, so I wanted to make something in advance that was easy to eat and would feed a bunch of people. A have wanted to make some kind of hand pie for a while, so this seemed like a good opportunity.

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Experimenters in Spiced Wine – Anno 2017

On the blog I have talked about medieval spiced wine before. My boyfriend and I have decided that we want to start going to medieval reenactment markeds as spice wine merchants. To do this we of course had to get the clothing and gear, more about that in another post. We are going to our first marked in little under two weeks.

For the last month I have done experiments to source the best (cheap) wine to use for the spiced wines. Keep Reading

Powder Fort

Powder fort is a strong spice mix used primary in medieval meat dishes. Like all medieval spice mixes powder fort has many different recipes, here are a few. I have modified them to fit modern European measurements. I have found that it works quite well in fruit pies as well.

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Alimenti: vino bianco, dal Taccuino Sanitatis, Manoscritto Casanatense 4182


Lutendranck was the first historic spiced wine I tasted. Lutendranck is a medieval sweetened and spiced white wine that was typically enjoyed cold. While Kasper thinks the name means lute drink – or he puts it “gitar wine”. It sadly isn’t the meaning, rather it means something like clarified wine – which makes sense since it has been put though a sive to remove the spices. But it is less of a good story. It is sweet and spiced and totally yummy. The batch I made last week started tasting kind of like good mead and now tastes very spiced but still totally delicious. The wine could be drunk for fun or as a medicinal drink that could cure mental problems such as: longing, cantankerous, misery and melancholy. It could also be used to clean the chest and against coughs.

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My boyfriend and I are talking about doing some reenactment markeds – at some point in the future. We are talking about the possibility of going as spiced wine merchants. In the past I have made a spiced white wine, lutendranck, which is really tasty. So when I had two liter of red wine sitting around and ran into a recipe for hypocras I of course had to try it. After making both I have started collecting different recipes for both wines.

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Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, kilder og 99 opskrifter

Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, Kilder Og 99 OpskrifterTitle: Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, kilder og 99 opskrifter
Author: Bi Skaarup, Henrik Jacobsen
Genre: Historical cookbook, middel ages, medieval

I really enjoyed “Middelaldermad…”. The book was helpful and full of great infomation about food and cooking in the middle ages. It is a quite readable book and a good introduction to cooking medieval food. The recipes work well, taste good and are quite easy to follow. They also include the source material, so you can track it down if you want more infomation.

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