My recipes are back online

After quite a bit of work, I got all my recipes back online.

The problem and solution

The last WordPress update broke the plugin I used for recipes (Simmer), so I had to find and install a new plugin (WP Ultimate Recipe). The change required me to re-enter all 65 recipes into the database. It was a lot of work, but it did give me an opportunity to go over all the recipes, fix mistakes and add new pictures where I have them. I am really happy with the result and I do plan to add a few new recipes this week.

The new look is a bit cleaner and I hope you will find it just as useful. You can of course still print the recipe, just by clicking on the little orange printer in the upper right corner. You can now explore similar dishes by clicking the orange links in the recipe. And you can adjust the serving size under “servings”.

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