We have a recipe for the Danish Christmas cookie pebernødder from 1731. Here is both the original Danish recipe, my translation and an adapted printable version.
Pebernødder, 1731
“Tag et pund Pudder-Sucker, et pund fint Hvedemeel, fem Eg, et Lod Cardemomme, et lod Caneel og Muskatteblomme tilsammen, et half Lod Aniis, lidet Peber, tre Lod Suckat, to Lod Citronskaller og mæng alt dette tilsammen og bag det.”
– En Høy-Fornemme Madames Kaagebog, 1731
In English:
Take one pound (467,7g) of brown sugar, one pound of wheat flour, five eggs, a weight (14,6g) of cinnamon, a weight of mace, half a weight of anise, a bit of pepper, three weights of sugar, two weights of grated lemon zest and mix it all together and bake it.
I have not tried out this old recipe yet, but I kind of want to!

Peppernuts anno 1731
- 468 grams brown sugar
- 935 grams wheat flour
- 5 eggs
- 14 1/2 grams cinnamon
- 14 1/2 grams mace
- 7 grams anise
- 44 grams sugar
- 29 grams lemon zest
- pinch pepper today we use white pepper
Mix the ingrediens
Let it rest until firm
Bake till the edges starts to get golden around the edges
Recipe Notes
Source: En Høy-Fornemme Madames Kaagebog, 1731