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Medieval soup of root vegetable with pork bacon

Medieval stew & soup of my own making

For the marked event we attended this weekend I made a medieval stew and a soup for our lunch. It was a cold windy and rainy weekend, so eating hearty medieval dishes was perfect.

To make dishes that ordinary people ate in the past you often have to attack it with imagination and knowledge rather than historical sources, because there are so few. This weekend I wanted to make lunch for us two days at a medieval marked event at Vistkøl Monastery. We had a wonderful event and got to talk to a lot of people about spices and mulled wine. For lunch I made a stew and a soup using the knowledge I have of period cooking. I will share the recipes and my thinking below.

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Spiced Wine at Vitskøl 2019

This weekend the husband and me are going to be at the medieval marked event Vistkøl, where you can find us and taste our delicious spiced wine and talk with us about the history of spices. Find us near the food tents in the middle of the marked.

Spiced wine dates back to at least 3000 BCE in Egypt and has been drunk though out European history in many forms. Recipes for hypeocrates dates back to the end of the 1300’s.

Read more about the history of mulled wine here: Hypocrates & lutendranck

Get the recipe for the salted almonds that we served

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Majmarked 2019 & spiced wine

We came home from the medieval marked event Majmarked in Viborg late last night. We had a wonderful time again this year – it is defiantly our favourite marked of the season. We talked to so many great people. As always we sold mulled wine in the medieval tradition. I promised a few of our costumers that I would re-post the recipes so they are easy to find. It is really important for us that we share and give back to the community – even if it is just in small ways – like knowledge sharing.

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Brothel scene; Brunswick Monogrammist, 1537; Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

The yellow dress – a medieval sign of prostitution?

At the marked this weekend a very sweet woman complimented my new dress and the beautiful mustard yellow colour. She when went on to say that not all markeds would allow it as it yellow was a sign of a woman being a prostitude. I was of course not trilled to hear this but I was also sceptical. Was yellow dresses really a sign of prostitution?

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Almond butter in a foodprocessor

Almond butter

Homemade almond butter – a great butter substitute both for contemporary dishes and for medieval ones. Almond butter is a healthy alternative to butter. It’s easy to make and it taste totally yummy.

I made almond butter today. Why because I wanted to try to it kept showing up in contemporary and medieval recipes.
Nowadays we make almond butter as a healthy butter substitute. However in medieval times they made it for lent.

In the middle ages on fast days, Christians were not allowed to eat animal products (from mammals that is), such as butter. The alternatives were mostly olive oil for cooking and almond butter for other uses. In Denmark and the rest of Northern Europe, this coursed problems as both were expensive imports.

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Majmarked 2018

Majmarked it such a cozy medieval event. It is framed as a medieval marked – everyone know each other because they all start the season here every year. They are a really welcoming community.

I just realised that I never put a post up on this year’s Majmarked (our home marked). I better do something about that.

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Vinum Dulce logo

Vinum Dulce – the new name for our mulled wine

This weekend we are talking part in Majmarked in Viborg – a medieval marked event. It is the second year we are there as part of the event. Last year we set up our stand by our friend’s stand, this year we are going with our very own tent and have our own stand. All the groups at the marked have a name, so we had to come up with one for our wine and are now selling our spiced wine under the name: Vinum Dulce – which is literally just sweet wine in latin.

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