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Historisk kogebog: kogekunst i Danmark 1616-1910

.Historisk kogebog: kogekunst i Danmark 1616-1910Title: Historisk kogebog: kogekunst i Danmark 1616-1910
Author: Else-Marie Boyhus
Genre: Historical cookbook, food history, renaissance, early modern, modern

If you have any interest in Danish food history between 1600 and 1900, then this is a must read! The book is both a book about food history and it is a cookbook in the sense that it is full of recipes from historic Danish cookbooks. I have already tried to cook already tried a few of the recipes and her translations are easy to work from. There is a huge number of illustrations that makes it book wonderful to look at and inviting. All of the illustrations are from the period they are accompanying.
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Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, kilder og 99 opskrifter

Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, Kilder Og 99 OpskrifterTitle: Middelaldermad, Kulturhistorie, kilder og 99 opskrifter
Author: Bi Skaarup, Henrik Jacobsen
Genre: Historical cookbook, middel ages, medieval

I really enjoyed “Middelaldermad…”. The book was helpful and full of great infomation about food and cooking in the middle ages. It is a quite readable book and a good introduction to cooking medieval food. The recipes work well, taste good and are quite easy to follow. They also include the source material, so you can track it down if you want more infomation.

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Historien om danskernes mad i 15.000 år

Historien om danskernes mad i 15.000 år af Bettina Buhl

Title: Historien om danskernes mad i 15.000 år
Author: Bettina Buhl
Genre: Food history, Denmark

The scope of this book is kind of impressive – it tries to cover Danish food history. Half of the book is however based around food after 1850 where there are of course more source material. For my purposes that is sadly where I find it least interesting. And I did find that the part of the book that covers pre-1660 is way better – in my opinion. The focus of the book everyday cooking rather than cooking by the elite.

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My food history library

I currently own 10 books on food history, where a few of them are cookbooks from the time period. My mom just gifted me three more from her collection. There is a good mix of books in Danish and in English. I thought it would be fun and useful to have a list of the books I own. I also borrow everything I can think of from my local library via inter-library loans. I love libraries! I got quite a few of those books on my wish list this year.


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The Classical Cookbook

13753237Title:  The Classical Cookbook
Author: Andrew Dalby &Sally Grainger
Genre: Historical cookbook, antiquity

Over the last weeks I have finished reading two historical cookbook – this is the first of those.

The book focuses on the Mediterranean antiquity’s cook – with a heavy focus on Greece and Roman cooking – and it does an excellent job of it.  My copy is now full of post-its of recipies I want to try out and I ended up sending my dad and my uncle recipes from the book. I have however not tried any of the recipes yet. You will see pictures once I do.

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An Early Meal – a Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odyssey

an-early-mealTitle:  An Early Meal – a Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odyssey
Author: Daniel Serra & Hanna Tunberg
Genre: Historical cookbook, viking

I also read this book in the spring so I rely on my goodreads review to write this review.

While the other recipe books I have for the Viking age tend to play a bit fast and loose with the accuracy of the food, this book is all about being as authentic as can be. Where Bålmad for moderne vikinger and Mit vilde vikingekøkken are very much books to get modern people to try food that might be like what the vikings ate, this is much more of a historical recreations based on evidence. This is a much more serious project. And it shows in the long introduction of the book and of the chapters.   Keep Reading

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