Mawmenee is one of the stranger medieval dishes I have run into. It is a sweet wine stew with foul and nuts. It is very much a medieval dish with all the spices and colouring and artificiality that was so priced.
This is one of the stranger dishes I have run into. It is a sweet wine stew with foul meat and nuts. It is very much a medieval dish with all the spices and colouring and artificiality that was so priced. It is also a really tasty dish, but also very sweet dish. It works really well as a side dish for game – like we in modern time use a jam or cranberry sauce with game. The dish can be made with any kind of foul – the meat should be a game-meat as that adds to the flavour.
This dish is a renaissance spinach dish, that is spiced and cooked in a pot or a pan. The recipe is from 1597 and is from one of the oldest cookbooks printed in Danish, though the book is originally German. It is a simple dish that is meant to be served with fish. It is quite a tasty way to eat spinach. It is said to be “Hungarian”, not because the recipe is from Hungary but because of the spices used. Many of the recipes in the cookbook is said to me in Hungarian, which just means spiced with onion.
At the medieval marked we shared dinner with our friends who let us into their camp, so I cooked for us all. I had some leftover meat pies from lunch and had brought some lamb sausages (which were sadly really greasy and not all that nice). To supplement that I cooked a medieval vegetable soup.
A tasty and filling spring vegetable soup, inspired by medieval cooking techniques and produce. The soup pairs well with sausages and bread.
If you have any spring herbs handy, I am sure they would work great, but we were too tired to do any foraging this evening.
It has come time to look at what the men of the city were wearing in the medieval period. As usual I am interested in the period between 1000 and 1550. I will look both at workmen’s clothing, merchant and artisans’ clothing in the period. The post is structured into these three categories and the pictures is arranged chronologically. This is a work in progress and I will note the date here when it was last edited.
Last edited: 17/5 2017
Kalender over middelaldermarkeder 2017 med links til markedernes hjemmesider, opdelt efter landsdel.
Sidste år fandt jeg en rigtig fin hjemmeside med en kalender over hvilke middelaldermarkeder der forgik hvornår, men jeg kan ikke finde den i år. Jeg kan kun finde en side med vikingerelaterede events og markeder: I mangel på en oversigt, så har jeg nu fundet alle de markeder som jeg kunne finde. Hvis jeg har overset nogen, så smid en kommentar, jeg vil meget gerne have alle med.
For the medieval marked reenactment event that we were a part of this weekend, I was asked to make some lunch for the group. I knew were were about eight adults and a gaggle of children, so I wanted to make something in advance that was easy to eat and would feed a bunch of people. A have wanted to make some kind of hand pie for a while, so this seemed like a good opportunity.