The diversity of styles and colors of headgear increased greatly in the 1300’s. Although there are still uncovered heads shown in the manuscripts, it really does complete the outfit more when appropriate headgear is worn.
Female headgear in the 1300’s
An overivew of the fashion of medieval female headgear 1300’s (14th century). Hats, veils and hair styles though images from source material.
In the 1300’s woman would wear anything from uncovered braids, to veils over barbet and fillet, caul and crespine, depending on rank, wealth and time.
Last edited: 17/5 2017
Female headgear in the 1400’s
A number of different styles were worn throughout the century. Any of these styles could be topped by a padded roll, sometimes arranged in a heart-shape, or a veil, or both. Veils were supported by wire frames that exaggerated the shape and were variously draped from the back of the headdress or covered the forehead.
Female headgear in the middle ages
Nobel headgear became quite elaborate during the period – we have all see the “princess hats” which were actually worn for a period of time. Some are very high, other very wide and some gives really different head shapes. Married women would generally always wear something on their heads when out in public. Women are almost always shown to have their hair styled in some way even in pictures of them dressing or bathing. Both men and women would wear hoods with long tails called a liripipe (studshætte).
Fabric in the middel ages
Everyday clothing was homemade both fabric and the sewing. While the fabric for finer clothing was brought.
Everyday clothing was made from home-spun: linen, wool, skins and leather.
Finer clothing were made by brought and if you could afford it imported wool from the Nederlands. Silke, gold brocade og cotton from southern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The imported fabric rolls might be sealed with lead seals to garanti quality. If you could afford it would would want to be seen wearing fur.
Medieval male clothing
This is my research post about what men in Denmark wore in the middle ages. In general I am most interested in the common people than in the nobles and the Church, but they will properly be mentioned. I will try to gather information and sources on what people wore in the middle ages and early renaissance. Most Danish medieval events is set in the early 1500’s around the reformation. Most of the infomation here is for European middle ages as it is apparently really hard to find anything (at least online) on the specific Danish fashion. It seems very likely that the nobles would have kept up with European fashions as the nobility of Europe were quite international at that time.
For people who know a lot about medieval dress history in Denmark there is probably not much new to find here, so think about it as an introduction or as my own research notes.