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Middelaldermarkeder 2017

Kalender over middelaldermarkeder 2017 med links til markedernes hjemmesider, opdelt efter landsdel.

Sidste år fandt jeg en rigtig fin hjemmeside med en kalender over hvilke middelaldermarkeder der forgik hvornår, men jeg kan ikke finde den i år. Jeg kan kun finde en side med vikingerelaterede events og markeder: I mangel på en oversigt, så har jeg nu fundet alle de markeder som jeg kunne finde. Hvis jeg har overset nogen, så smid en kommentar, jeg vil meget gerne have alle med.

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What the vikings ate

Saturday I visited MoMu (Moesgaard Museum) with my boyfriend who had yet to see the museum. I of course visited the museum shop and picked up a viking cookbook, that I was yet to own (Bålmad for moderne vikinger). It had a lot of great information along with quite a few interesting recipes. It also had an introduction where it among other things talked about which food were available in the viking age. It wasn’t quite sure about some of the items, which sparked me to research some more. I decided to make a list of food stuff that was available to the vikings at home and something might have encountered on their travels and possibly imported. I also decided to make a list of food stuff that they definitely didn’t have. Keep Reading

What the vikings definitely didn’t eat

Browsing the web, especially on pinterest I sometimes come across some medieval and viking recipes, for reenactment events or markets no less, that makes me groan. This isn’t about perfect authenticity, but it is about presenting something that is plausible – especially when cooking for the public.

In my little project to make a list of what the vikings might have eaten, I thought it might be a good idea to make a list of food that is definitely no-go for viking and early medieval events. The food on this list was either not invented till much much later OR is food stuff only found in the Americas and that the Europeans wouldn’t know till after Columbus – like turkey.

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