Lordly sauce is a medieval spice sauce made with spices and vinegar. This is quite a high end sauce because of the amount of spices in it.
The recipe is from Libellus de Arte Coquinaria, which is the compilation of several northern European cookbooks and manuals from the middle of the 1200’s. It is the first cookbook in Danish and I plan to put all 25 recipes up on the site when I get to them.
A modern translation:
“One takes cloves and nutmeg, cardamom, pepper, cinnamon – that is canel – and ginger, all in equal amounts, except that there should be as much canel as all the other spices; and add twice as much toasted bread as of everything else, and grind them all together, and blend with strong vinegar, and place it in a cask. This is a lordly sauce, and it is good for half a year.”
I am looking forward to testing this one out! It sounds super interesting!
Lord Sauce
- 1 part cloves
- 1 part nutmeg
- 1 part pepper Black or long pepper - I am guessing
- 1 part cardamom
- 1 part ginger I am guessing dried
- 5 part cinnamon
- 10 parts tosted bread
- vinegar
Grind the spices
Grind the toasted bread in with the spices
Add vinegar