My food history library

I currently own 10 books on food history, where a few of them are cookbooks from the time period. My mom just gifted me three more from her collection. There is a good mix of books in Danish and in English. I thought it would be fun and useful to have a list of the books I own. I also borrow everything I can think of from my local library via inter-library loans. I love libraries! I got quite a few of those books on my wish list this year.


The books on food history

  1. Food: A Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present (European Perspectives) by Jean-Louis Flandrin, Massimo Montanari & Albert Sonnenfeld
  2. Mad, drikke og tobak 1800-35 – forbrugsmønstre, kultur og diskurser
    by Ole Hyldtoft

Cookbooks about historic periods for modern cooks

  1. Traditionsrige retter by Else-Marie Boyhus
  2. The Medieval Cookbook by Maggie Black. Read my review
  3. An Early Meal – a Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odyssey by Daniel Serra & Hanna Tunberg. Read my review
  4. The Classical Cookbook by Andrew Dalby &Sally Grainger. Read my review
  5. Bålmad for moderne vikinger by Karin Collstrup. Read my review
  6. Mit vilde vikingekøkken by Jim Lyngvild. Read my review

Cookbooks from the time period

  1. Ældste Danske Koge Bog by Anna Wecker, 1648 (german 1598)1
  2. Madam Mangor’s kogebog by Anna Marie Mangor, 18902


One Comments

  • Michelle

    January 26, 2022

    Hi! Can I ask you for help? I’m doing a thesis in Nordic Cookbooks and would love to ask you some things about the books you are listing, unfortunately I can’t read Danish.


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