
I have made cock-a-leek twice for events over a campfire. Once it was fantastic and once it turned out watery and really borring. But I think I have figured out why it worked the first time and why it was a fail the second. I do not have a picture because I am really bad at remembering to take pictures of my food at events.

The first time I cooked it we were called away for an ingame ritual right after we finished cooking the meat, so we had to take it off the fire and put out the fire. The pot was of course still hot so it has continued to simmer for the two hours were away. I am pretty sure that is why it turned out much better the second time. So I have added quite a bit of time to the cooking time.

The ingredients and the cooking method makes it appropriate for viking cooking as well as for larp events, but we have no sources saying that the viking ate this kind of thing. They might very well have but we simply do not know.



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