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historical cooking

What the vikings definitely didn’t eat

Browsing the web, especially on pinterest I sometimes come across some medieval and viking recipes, for reenactment events or markets no less, that makes me groan. This isn’t about perfect authenticity, but it is about presenting something that is plausible – especially when cooking for the public.

In my little project to make a list of what the vikings might have eaten, I thought it might be a good idea to make a list of food that is definitely no-go for viking and early medieval events. The food on this list was either not invented till much much later OR is food stuff only found in the Americas and that the Europeans wouldn’t know till after Columbus – like turkey.

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Barley crackers

Bailey was the most common grain in the viking age (in Scandinavia). The Danish word for barley; “byg”- means grown grains. The archaeologists think that barley crackers flour have been common. Most bread was baked on a hot stone next to the fire – it seems likely that they would make barley crackers as well as flat breads. Keep Reading

The Official Game of Thrones Cookbook

coverTitle: The Official Game of Thrones Cookbook
Author: Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, Sariann Lehrer
Genre: Cookbook, fantasy

If you are a fan of fantasy or historical cooking, then I think you will enjoy this cookbook. All the recipes in it are for dishes mentioned in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice & Fire. It is written by two fans of the series and approved by George R. R. Martin. However it really fits a lot of fantasy settings and would be great inspiration for cooking for most other fantasy inspired events.

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Mit vilde vikingekøkken

d9a8e9781a83774625b155b10ffccb1aTitle: Mit vilde vikingekøkken
Author: Jim Lyngvild
Genre: Historical cookbook, campfire

I visited my sister in Copenhagen this past weekend and among other things we went to Nationalmuseet (free entrance) to eat brunch and see their viking exhibition – which were both great. Their brunch is always good new nordic cooking with lots to choose from. The viking exhibition is part of their antiquity exhibition which in my opinion is a world-class exhibition. Especially the black treasure rooms are amazing. Well worth a visit. However their medieval exhibition is not worth your time. While we were there we of course had to visit the museum store and I brought “Mit vilde vikingekøkken” among other wonderful things.

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