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Food history

Blogs and useful links on food history

dsc_0659I love falling down rabbit wholes and I thought I would share some with you. This is a list of blogs, sites about food history and recipe sites. I hope you will find some of them useful as well.

Please let me know if you have a history food blog or know of a site that I should check out.

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What is a “Postej” or “pye”?

I use the Danish word postej to describe this dish but in the English medieval literature they are tend to be called “pye”. What we today would call a pie. Sometimes they are also called a Pâté.

A postej is meat, fish or fruit dish that is inside a container of dough, what in the English medieval kitchen would be called a “coffin” of dough. It was baked in the oven or in a postej-oven which is pretty much a Dutch oven. The dough can be edible or inedible as you please. The postejs I have baked so fare are baked with an edible dough – because anything else seems wasteful to me. Keep Reading

Quick and easy homemade fresh cottage cheese using buttermilk

Knapost / skørost

A few years back I learned how to make fresh cottage cheese from buttermilk. It is really quick and easy to make and don’t really require any weird equipment. And it is perfect for larping events. It also has the added benefit of producing whey, which is super handy for baking. Traditionally this cheese is made at home and is called “knapost”.

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