Last night I made lamb culotte with baked root vegetables (I can not recommend baked turnip) and this kale salad. The rest of the meal wasn’t very historical inspired but the salad was based of one I found in one of my books about medieval cooking. I thought I would share it with you because it turned out to be pretty yummy.
If you have an apple sitting around dice it and add it as well. I just didn’t have any. The kale had gone flat in the fridge so I only had one big leaf to work with but it turned out to be enough for the two of us.

Kale salad with pomegranate
A simple medieval inspired salad with kale and pomegranate
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 2 people
- 1/4 pomegranate seeds from
- 1 big leaf kale
- 1 apple diced
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons vinegar I suggest a light one for looks
- pepper to taste
Seed the pomegranate - you need a few handfuls. Find a video on youtubes on how to do it 🙂
Wash and slice the kale finely
Mix the vinaigrette
Mix the kale and the dressing and add it to the serving bowl
Use the pomegranate as topping
Recipe Notes
Source: "Danskernes mad i middelalderen – smag selv" by Bente Leed p. 83