A barley porridge made with eggs and milk as a side dish with meat. Based on a number of 1300’s and 1400’s recipes. Traditionally it is made with wheat, but this poor man’s version, uses barley instead.

Barley Frumenty
A barley porridge made with eggs and milk as a side dish with meat. Based on a number of 1300’s and 1400’s recipes.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4 people
- 200 milliliters pearl barley
- 4 milliliters water
- 125 milliliters milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Boil the water and add the barley once it is boiling in a pot. Add a lid and let it boil until al dente - that's about 15-20 min.
While it cooks you separate the egg and add the yokes to the milk along with the salt. Mix it together.
Add the egg-mix into the barley and simmer it until it thickens.
Recipe Notes
Source: medievalcookery.com